Sunday, January 25, 2009

Gold Leaf

As a means to request favors and placate spirits, Thai’s affix small squares of gold onto images of Buddha to earn merit and show respect for a concept or person. During our tour of Wat Po we
stop at this small area to offer our own blessings. I try to make each trip unique and memorable as you can see from our itineraries:

For a small donation, merit makers take lotus flowers, candles and incense to the alter. On their knees prayers are silently spoken, the candles and incense lit, hoping wishes do come true. Postage-stamp sized sheets are gently rubbed on the Buddha to solidify the prayer.
Gold leaf is valued for its purity as a religious offering. It takes five hours to pound enough gold to fill a small pouch (valued at approximately 250 baht). It is hammered with two wooden mallets and then passed to young girls to cut into 2.5 centimeter squares, packaged and sold.

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